Last updated at 11:37 AM on 19th October 2011
She was one of the first women to abandon her modesty to advance her career.
And more than three centuries later, Nell Gwyn is turning heads again after researchers discovered this topless portrait that had been 'lost' for 50 years.
The risqu painting of the actress, who became the mistress of King Charles II, will be exhibited from tomorrow.

Exposed again: The restored version of the 1680 portrait of King Charles II's mistress Nell Gwyn by Simon Verelst which shows the breasts which had been previously covered over
King Charles II was born on May 29, 1630, the eldest surviving son of Charles I, who was executed at the end of the English Civil War.
He was 12 when the Civil War began and two years later was appointed nominal commander-in-chief in western England.
With the parliamentary victory he was forced into exile on the continent and was in the Netherlands when he learnt of his father's death.
It was not until 1660 that he was invited back to England to reclaim his throne.
The early years of Charles's reign saw an appalling plague (1665) and the Great Fire in 1666 which led to the substantial rebuilding of the city of London.
In 1677, Charles married his niece Mary to the Protestant William of Orange partly to re-establish his own Protestant credentials.
He died on February 6, 1685, converting to Catholicism on his deathbed.
While modern stars might strike racy poses for men's magazines, Nell and her contemporaries stripped off for paintings to be exhibited in the King's court.
However, the result wasn't to everyone's tastes, with the artwork's owners in the 19th century apparently painting clothes on to Nell to make her look more respectable.
The portrait came to light in the 1940s when it was bought, probably for its frame, without the owner knowing who it depicted.
Experts lost track of it in the 1960s and feared it was missing until they were contacted this year by a family who found it among their heirlooms.
Restored to its original condition, it is one of only a handful of surviving portraits of Nell, who was among the first actresses in Britain when she made her theatre debut in 1664, aged 14.
She is thought to have sat for this revealing painting, by Simon Verelst, between 1680 and 1685.
Dr Lucy Peltz from the National Portrait Gallery, where the painting will be on display until January, said: 'Nell Gwyn was the forerunner of our modern celebrity culture.
'This portrait reflects the fact that a female actress had to use her sexuality and charm to promote herself.
'But Nell Gwyn had a lot going on. She well respected a talented actress with creative flair.
'She was also clearly very strategic, and it's no coincidence that she ended up in the King's bed.
'Being an actress allowed a certain amount of social mobility for a woman.'
The 53 portraits also include a little known version of a portrait of Sarah Siddons, the 18th Century Welsh actress known for her tragic roles.
The exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in central London will run until January.

Naked ambition: Nell Gwyn is believed to be the nude woman in Sir Peter Lely's 17th century masterpiece, Portrait of a Young Lady and Child as Venus and Cupid

Royal lover: King Charles II met his mistress at a play at Lincoln's Inn Fields and they had two sons together
Oh Lord !!!!!! i was eating my fish and chips saw that, thought it said Charles mistress and thought of Camilla yuk !!! almost threw up a tiny bit in my mouth ,lucky enough i fought it and read on thank god .
- paul, the land of make believe, 19/10/2011 17:08
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