jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012

Scots safer in Union, says David Cameron - Telegraph.co.uk

Last night Mr Salmond said that he was "moving towards agreement" over the terms and date of the referendum after negotiations with Michael Moore, the Scottish Secretary, earlier this week.

Mr Salmond is campaigning for Scottish independence in the referendum, which is expected to be held in 2014. Last night, he claimed that tens of thousands of jobs could be created under his plans to "re-industrialise" Scotland and invest the proceeds of North Sea oil.

However, Mr Cameron will signal today that he will play a key role in campaigning to persuade Scotland to remain part of the UK.

"The fight is now under way for something really precious: the future of our UK," he said. "I am 100 per cent clear that I will fight with everything I have to keep our UK together." He added that "we are better off together" and insisted that Scotland's economy would struggle if the nation became independent.

The Prime Minister said: "We're richer because inside the UK Scotland's five million people are part of an economy of 60 million, the seventh richest economy on the planet and one of the world's biggest trading powers.

"Today, Scotland has a currency which takes into account the needs of [the] Scottish economy as well as the rest of the UK when setting interest rates, and it can borrow at rates that are among the lowest in Europe."

George Osborne, the Chancellor, has claimed that an independent Scotland may be forced to join the euro. Speaking at the London School of Economics last night, Mr Salmond said if Scotland had had full fiscal control since 1979, it would now have assets worth between £87 billion and £117 billion.

Mr Salmond said: "Under independence we would make the best use of our unparalleled energy resources.

"We have 25 per cent of Europe's tidal power potential, 25 per cent of its offshore wind potential and 10 per cent of its wave power potential e_SEnD not bad for a nation with less than 1 per cent of Europe's population.

"Scotland has a huge competitive advantage. We will be able to produce energy better and cheaper than anywhere else e_SEnD and in deeper waters".

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